
Forest Green

Forest green derives its name directly from tall trees and lush bushes, and it evokes shaded woodland settings. This dark green shade is soothing, and it has come to represent the ecosystem of this planet. Its history in Western culture is long and deep, and it is used in a number of applications, from graphic design to interior decorating to clothing. As this shade represents sylvan landscapes, print and web designers employ it for that reason and to represent the green movement. Forest green is the natural choice in cartography to represent woodland areas, and it is popular as a school and uniform color. Many organizations, from scouting groups to athletic teams, have entire uniforms or accents in this hue. Soldiers also use it to camouflage themselves and their weapons. This shade works well in rustic settings and holiday retreats. It blends readily with brown to bring a sense of the woods indoors. However, it is equally at home in urban settings when mixed with soft beiges, greens, blues, and even black. Purple sets off this color beautifully. Forest green works great in upholstery, and walls painted this shade give a soft, earthy feel to sitting and living rooms and even offices. When combined with bright red, its complementing color, this hue calls up images and memories of the Christmas season.


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