
Celadon Green

Celadon green is a jade green color achieved by applying a thin glaze to iron oxide. It was once considered a color so beautiful that only the eyes of royalty could behold it. Though the name celadon is French—coined for a French lothario who wore ribbons of pale green—for centuries the color was only known by the Chinese as mi se, which means ""mysterious color."" Celadon green is an imprecise color, falling somewhere between green and gray on the color wheel. Because it is achieved in a kiln, the color also often contains hints of brown and a fine crackle layer that reminds those who see it of precious jade. Celadon is a soft, elegant color. As such, it looks great in a variety of settings as either a base color or an accent color. Consider painting your kitchen cabinets celadon green with a bright white tile backsplash. If you use it in a bedroom, pair it with pale yellows and sandy woods to achieve a feminine, Victorian-era feel. You can use celadon green in your dining or living room, along with crystal accents, for the same effect. Celadon green may have once been known as the ""unseen green,” but today it is a color beloved by many. Whether you want to achieve a regal, sophisticated, or feminine look, celadon green is your color.


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