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Isolated objects stock photos and royalty free images

The isolated object is not new to the art world. Painters, sculptors, potters, and more have long been fascinated with objects removed from a larger context. When we examine objects free from any environment or context, we can really see the nuances of their surfaces and lines without thinking of the object as relational to something else. With contributors all over the world creating images of all kinds of isolated objects, the Shutterstock library is the perfect place to find the images you need.

Аbout stock photos and royalty free images with isolated objects

People need images of isolated objects for all kinds of different reasons. Sometimes, the stark nature of an isolated object makes it stand out as a piece of content more than it would as an object in context. Sometimes, piecing together larger collages of images means being able to blend them seamlessly. Anything can be an isolated object image: a laptop isolated, flowers isolated, a car isolated, a tree isolated — even confetti isolated. There are even subcategories of isolated objects images, like food isolated, a burger isolated, vegetables isolated, or (everyone's favorite) pizza isolated. Most objects in this category are isolated on white, as it helps things like coffee beans isolated and a smartphone isolated really stand out.

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Questions about isolated objects images and backgrounds

What is object photography?

Object photography is precisely what it sounds like: photography of objects, like a leaf isolated or a sofa isolated. Technically speaking, all photography is object photography, but referred to in this way, it generally means photographs of isolated objects or still lifes rather than action photography or portraiture. Object photography requires a different approach to lighting and composition, since most of these photographs are staged for a specific purpose. Ultimately, these photographs might find their way into advertising or logo design, but many object photographers actually capture their images purely as an art form to help us concentrate on the detail and contours of everyday items that we commonly overlook.

What is isolation in photography?

Isolation in photography is the practice of removing the subject of a photograph from any contextual surroundings. That means it exists in a neutral environment free of its typical associations. Isolating objects in photography allows the photographer to concentrate on the surfaces, lines, and textures of the object. They can use controlled lighting and shadows to tell a visual story of the object devoid of outside distractions. Isolating objects in photography can be tricky because doing so makes every feature of the object very noticeable. The photographer must be ready to capture the object as it truly is without any control over how the viewer will see it in an empty environment.

What are visuals with isolated objects?

Visuals with isolated objects are images that contain, in whole or in part, isolated objects. This might include the entire object, like an orange isolated, or only a part of a phone, like a corner of a phone isolated. Visuals like these are often used in marketing and advertising campaigns. They allow designers to showcase the tiniest details in large, viewable format — details that can often get lost in the context of background imagery or cluttered images. These visuals are also often present in book cover and poster design due to their striking nature that makes mundane, everyday objects suddenly much more interesting. Visuals with isolated objects usually pair with creative copy to send a message, whether that's an advertisement, an announcement, or some other information. When preserved in full isolation without accompanying copy, visuals with isolated objects are often works of art in and of themselves, and you might see them hanging in a gallery.

Why do you need images with isolated objects?

Designers need images with isolated objects for all kinds of different reasons. They're very common in the creation of logos, letterhead, business cards, or storefronts. In these situations, it's difficult to make use of a full image, so an isolated object works better against the white backgrounds of stationary and the clear environment of a storefront window. Product managers also often use these images, as they're convenient for creating signs and raising awareness inside a store. You might also need these images for presentations or collages — both are situations when the strategic use of interesting images can contribute to a greater whole. Isolated object images are also used in the fashion industry, where they can help designers create stencils and templates for printed shirts, dresses, and other garments.

How to find high-quality images with isolated objects?

Finding high-quality images with isolated objects is easy. First, you can simply scroll down to see our curated collection of isolated objects images. We've gathered some of our favorites from multiple categories, so you can browse work by photographers and designers from all over the world. If you want to search for something more specific, head over to the search bar at the top of this page, and type your search query into the box labeled "Search for images." When you get your results, you can refine them using the search filters on the left side of the page — you have options like image type, color palette, orientation, and more. If you already have a specific image in mind, and you'd like to find a similar one, click "Search by image" next to the search field, and then upload your image file. The Shutterstock A.I. will return similar compositions based on what you've uploaded.

Browse isolated object images

How to use images with isolated objects creatively

Using isolated objects in graphic designs Isolated objects images are a common part of the graphic design world. Many design projects are composites, meaning they need images from a number of sources in order to assemble a completed image based on a creative brief or on a client's needs. The reason isolated objects are so useful in this capacity is because they are usually against a single-color background. That makes it very easy to remove the object from the background and place it in a different image without looking like it doesn't belong there. Isolated objects are also great to use in pitch meetings and presentations, when it doesn't make sense to fully iterate on a design until it has been approved by a creative director or by the client. Using isolated object visuals in video projects Video projects use images of isolated objects in a number of ways. They're highly useful for on-screen graphics like lower thirds, title cards, or inserts — this is particularly true in the documentary genre, where montages of still images often play a critical role in the telling of the story. Isolated objects can also sometimes find their way into the world of special effects, where designers can create the illusion of something in the film world that isn't actually there. If your video is instructional in nature, like a corporate training video, isolated objects are great teaching tools because they can serve as examples without causing distraction. Isolated objects also work very well in sizzle reels or music videos, where their stark, high-contrast nature can make them perfect elements to pop into a cut and make dramatic visual statements. Using images with isolated objects in marketing and promo campaigns Isolated images are great in marketing and promo campaigns. Some of the most famous brand advertisements in history have featured the product isolated and alone on the page. Because the images are free of secondary visuals, they bring their objects front and center. Paired with brief, actionable marketing copy, isolated images make very direct marketing visuals. In a digital world where users routinely scroll past anything that doesn't instantly grab their attention, marketing and advertising designers can use the dramatic look of the isolated image to stop the scrolling and get a viewer's attention. Marketing an object in isolation allows you to showcase its best features devoid of any surrounding environment or situation, meaning you will reach more viewers than you would if you marketed a specific scenario.

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