Video backgrounds header poster

Video backgrounds that make your message stand out

Whether you need a moving background that loops forever or a simple backdrop that doesn’t distract from messaging, video backgrounds give creators the ability to engage with their audience with eye-catching visuals. Some video backgrounds can play forever seamlessly making it look like an infinitely long clip, others are timed for commercial edits, presentations, and website landing pages.

About video background videos and stock footage

Video backgrounds are often used for motion graphics, advertisements, concert and touring visuals, television news, websites, presentations, and all types of explainer videos. These visuals can stand out on their own, but are designed to be used specifically with text or graphics on top. This allows you to display messaging or a large amount of text that is still easily legible. Shutterstock makes searching for video backgrounds easy. Need to search for simple and clean animations? Search for exactly what you need. Find millions of clips, including infinite loops, abstract backgrounds, and glowing backgrounds. Even better you can use advanced filters to narrow your results based on length, frame rate, and more.
Best-selling video background clips

Questions about video background videos

What are video backgrounds?

Video backgrounds are stock footage or animations designed to be used in conjunction with text or graphics. Video backgrounds are the lowest layer in a composition, with any type, imagery, logos and graphics layered on top of them. They are often seen in television news reports, presentation videos, award ceremony graphics, concert visuals, and websites. Video backgrounds are designed to be supplemental to messaging, making sure viewers keep focus on the text on screen vs the motion in the background. Popular looks include abstract animations, single color backgrounds, bokeh effects, and digital graphics.

What is a royalty-free video background?

Royalty-free video backgrounds are stock footage clips that you can use in your videos, commercials, or television presentations without having to pay royalties for each use. With the purchase of Shutterstock’s royalty-free license, you can download royalty-free videos of top-down views, news graphics, motion backgrounds, and skies to use right away in your projects. Shutterstock compensates contributors fairly, so you don’t have to worry about paying them. You can use these royalty-free nature footage clips multiple times after paying a single fee.

How do I find high-quality video backgrounds?

Need high quality stock footage backgrounds for your next video project? Shutterstock has one of the largest stock video libraries in the world. Our incredible contributors provide some of the best stock video footage available, used in countless advertisements, commercials, in-store displays, television shows, and feature films. Whether you need footage for a YouTube video or major motion picture, you will find the quality footage you need. Find stunning video backgrounds made by creators and 3D artists all over the world in 4K, HD, and standard definition.

What makes video backgrounds engaging?

Video backgrounds help make large amounts of text more engaging with eye-catching visuals. The best motion designers and creators focus attention on animated backgrounds and moving elements that compliment messaging. While certain words can show your message, it’s the video background that really captures viewers attention. This helps give you a wider reach and furthers your ability to increase engagement. The most engaging video backgrounds keep things simple, with limited use of colors, minimalistic style, and a good contrast that makes it easy to read text in nearly any color.

What are the most popular video backgrounds?

Video backgrounds include many categories like abstract, bokeh and out of focus imagery, glowing backgrounds, 3d animations, sci-fi and technology focused, floral designs, calm colors, and single color graphics. Abstract backgrounds include animated dots and lines, particles, bokeh, lens flares, and simple shapes. Single color video backgrounds usually feature the use of white, black, blue, red, and green. It’s best to avoid multiple colors, extreme neon colors, and fast-paced movement that can detract from the messaging.

Video assets to use with video background footage

VFX thumbnail


18 Video Elements libraries

Lens flare thumbnail

Lens flares

8 Video Elements libraries

Transitions thumbnail


5 Video Elements libraries

Using video backgrounds for websites

  • Websites are turning more towards animations and background footage to create captivating homepage headers, category title blocks, and landing pages. Videos can be compressed for the web and still maintain quick loading speeds and high resolution visuals.

  • Viewers will often pause scrolling to interact with website blocks with video backgrounds so they can further study the text while also appreciating the visuals. The best websites use a limited amount of movement, either relying on abstract backgrounds or simple geometric shapes with subtle changes to draw your attention to copy.

  • Landing pages that target specific segments will turn to background videos that users can relate to, whether it calls for calming visuals of clouds in the sky or high tech visuals of spinning virtual reality scapes.

Using video backgrounds for websites

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