
Soft Pink

When you mix any amount of white with red, you get pink of some shade. Pink varies in intensity and shades and can be more berry-toned, orange or salmon. Soft pink, however, is the color most people think of when they think of this bubblegum color. Many people associate soft pink with feminism, sweetness, sensitivity and romance. For this reason, soft pink is often touted as being a gentle color. However, when paired with the right colors, it can be lively and energetic. Soft pink, when paired with light grays, metallics and whites, can help to create a cozy and inviting living room or master bedroom. When used with whites, creams and sands, you can create a space that brings to mind sunrises at the beach. Add in deep purples to create the feeling of a sunset. For a more striking effect, pair soft pink with other striking colors such as teal, navy blues, emerald greens and black metal. Use a softer color, such as those in the cream family, to neutralize the space. To create a gender-neutral space, use furniture in chocolate and accents of blue dart and ebony. Soft pink may be associated with all things feminine, but when paired with the right colors, it can work for everyone. Play with the color to create a visually stunning environment.


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