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Magenta is an intense reddish-purple or purplish-red color that pairs well with green. Because magenta does not actually exist on the light spectrum, which includes red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet, it’s considered an “extra-special” color. Because red and blue are at the opposite ends of the color spectrum, they can’t actually be combined in the way that most colors are. When you combine yellow and blue, for instance, the color green falls between the two colors on the light spectrum. To make up for this gap, the human brain perceives a color that is between red and blue, and that color is magenta. Although the average person is likely to encounter magenta in print and web design, it’s also found in nature, notably in flowers. Most people appreciate magenta flowers for their beauty, but some might not realize that their contrast with the green foliage also makes them easier for pollinators to spot, increasing their chances of reproducing.


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