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Cabernet is a dark, wine red color named for the deep hue of a type of red wine grape. This hue is mysterious and rich, sexy and luxurious. These qualities make it popular in the worlds of both interior decorating and fashion. This color makes a bold statement, and therefore it pairs beautifully with the subtle warmth of cream. The depth of the color cabernet, as well as its associations with hospitality and cordiality, make it a hue that has long been found in traditional decorating themes everywhere, from gilded palaces to intriguing country estates. This lush shade evokes tradition as well as luxury. From comfortable, luxe chairs in libraries to floor-length draperies in dining rooms and elegant parlors, this hue brings to mind the plushness of bygone days. However, it is very much in vogue right now. Pair it with navy and hunter green for time-honored elegance, but lighten it up with a dash of cream or ivory. This hue speaks of autumn, with foliage turning glorious colors, yet it also brings to mind a dash of fire in a snowy winter landscape. Cabernet is a popular color for autumn weddings. Lipstick in this hue makes a dramatic statement any time of year. Accessories, including belts, bags, hats, and shoes in this shade look wonderful during the fall and winter months.


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