

Redwood the color is a representation of the redwood tree. Though the tree has been around for longer than humans, the first recorded use of it as a color was not until 1917. Unlike other reds, which excite the eye, redwood, which is almost brown in nature, is soothing and is often used by homeowners to create a relaxed and warm environment. You can achieve the redwood effect with stain, which is more time consuming to apply than paint. However, the effort is well worth it, as redwood is a rich color that can instantly add depth and warmth to your home. That said, redwood works best as an accent hue. If you use it too liberally, you risk creating a dark, foreboding space. If you find a stain you love, try it out on a single, large piece, such as your dining room table, living room end tables or even a wall of shelves. If you're feeling extra zealous, stain your hardwood floors or your ceiling beams. Because redwood is a member of the red family, its complementary color is green. You can avoid making your home look like a Christmas wonderland by avoiding bright greens and opting instead of deep forest greens or emerald. Sage green or green-gray would also work with the hue as well. Other colors you might consider include blue, yellow, white, orange, brown, vibrant pinks or other hues found in nature.


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