
Magenta Pink

Magenta pink, a vivacious combination of red and blue, is actually one of the three true primary colors. While there is no natural light wavelength of this color, there are some examples of this hue existing in the natural world. For example, some flowers evolved to use this color to attract insects. In astronomy, some stars of the brown dwarf type shine with magenta light. The combination of this hue and green is lively and pleasing. Magenta pink has long been a favorite of both commercial and fine artists, and now web designers are using it as well, because this color catches the eye. It is pretty and feminine, yet it also speaks of sexuality and strength. Use this color in the bedroom for a powerful yet womanly effect. It pairs beautifully with soft pink shades and warm metallics such as bronze, copper, and gold. Touches of rich chocolate brown will ground this hue. Magenta pink can move into the living room with careful accessorizing. Introduce this hue in rooms other than the bedroom in small amounts, such as a chair. This color is a powerful fashion shade, and it makes a strong statement in smaller doses such as shoes, hats, bags, and lipstick. Don an evening dress in this hue, however, and know that all eyes will be on you.


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