
Bottle Green

Bottle green is a deep, dark blue-green color that brings to mind bits of broken glass washed up at sea or vintage wine bottles. On its own, bottle green can be somewhat flat and depressing, but when paired with the right hues, textures, and materials, it can be quite sophisticated and lively. Because bottle green is so dark and foreboding, be careful with how you use it. As with many darker shades of green, use bottle green as an accent color rather than a base color. Pair it with light colors instead of other darker hues. White, creams, tans, and gold all complement bottle green and really let the hue pop. When selecting furniture, keep in mind that wood accents also mesh well with bottle green. Once you land on the right color combinations, you will discover that you can use bottle green in just about any room in the home. Use it the kitchen as the color of your lower cabinets. You can also paint an accent wall in your living room or entryway bottle green to give an impression of liveliness. Or, select bottle green tile to use as your backsplash in your bathroom. If you just want hints of green throughout your home, array actual bottles on natural wood shelves to add dimension and bits of color to each space.


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