
Purple Wine

Purple wine is a deep, rich color inspired by the globally-revered drink made from grapes. With more blue than red, this shade is beautiful yet mysterious, full-bodied yet never overwhelming. This color has an energetic, fresh quality that belies its enigmatic strength, and it is endlessly fascinating. This hue is eye-catching and is cherished both by graphic artists and interior designers. Print and web designers can make web pages and notices grab readers’ attention by combining purple wine with shades of green. This effect is especially successful in pop art and “modern vintage” looks, as this shade is classic yet always exciting. This hue gives interiors lush intensity blended with playfulness. It is opulent yet easy to live with. Try it for a statement furniture piece such as a sofa, keeping everything else neutral. It is also a great color for draperies, which can add life to an otherwise demure room. If you are not quite ready to commit, add smaller items in this color, including pillows, throws, vases, and area rugs. Green hues such as blue greens, true greens, and yellow greens are a natural complement to purple wine. Neutrals such as light beige and ivory pair beautifully with this color, anchoring it and letting it shine. This shade is a great way to add a splash of lovely, livable color to enliven just about anything.


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