
Heather Purple

Heather purple occurs naturally on an evergreen branching shrub that is native to Scotland. The flowers on the shrub, from whence the color gets its name, bloom in late summer and are usually deep purple or mauve in color. However, they can be nearly white, pink, or even red. Though heather is known best for covering the moors of Scotland, it is much more than a pretty ground cover. Heather represents beauty, good luck, and admiration, and is also associated with protection and solitude. Because heather purple is found in nature, it pairs well with other hues that occur in the wild. Complement the color with other shades of purple, both lighter and deeper than heather purple. Use accents of green and yellow to liven up the palette. You can also give heather purple a sophisticated edge by balancing it out with robin's egg blue and white and sprinkling in accents of gold. You can make heather purple work for you in just about any space. Traditionally, designers designate purples to bedrooms, but you can also work heather purple into your dining room, living room, and even, if you're feeling adventurous, your kitchen. Chances are you can find room for heather purple in your home. It doesn't have to be the star to give a space some much-needed gentle personality.


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